Creamy Fava Bean Risotto with Lemon-Cayenne Oil


Fava beans were the first sign of spring this year, at least here in New York. The trees are still bare, flowers are still only in stores and not yet lining the streets. It’s still hard to find fresh kale. But fava beans were available, and thus spring had started! My mind immediately went to risotto when I saw them. Fava beans require a bit of effort to prepare—they’re not like sugar snap peas that you just eat whole—so they merited an elegant recipe to honor them and the start of spring. You could easily use frozen fava beans for this recipe—nothing wrong with making it easier! But, of course, fresh beans yield the freshest taste.

I love the versatility of risotto. Add rich mushrooms or squash, and it’s a winter dish. Add radishes or, say, fava beans, and it’s a lighter dish for spring. The lemon-cayenne oil is versatile, too. If you’d prefer a bright, citrusy dish without spice, then remove the chili and cayenne. Or add just one for less heat. 

The necessary tools for this recipe are a saucepan, a bowl of ice water for blanching the beans and a large pan. Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it!

Creamy Fava Bean Risotto with Lemon-Cayenne Oil

When spring produce arrives, this is the risotto to make.

Prep Time:

20 Minutes

Cook Time:

40 Minutes

Total time:

1 Hour


  • 4 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 5 tablespoons avocado oil, divided
  • 1 medium white onion, minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced + divided
  • 1 cup Arborio rice
  • 1 cup fresh shelled fava beans (from about 1lb pods) or frozen, thawed
  • 1 fresh red chili, sliced
  • 4 long strips lemon peel (avoid the pith), chopped roughly
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tsp cayenne
  • 2 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped


Step 1

If you are using fresh fava beans, remove the beans from the outer pod, and cook them in a pot of boiling, salted water for 1 minute. Drain and transfer them to a bowl of ice water to stop cooking. Remove the thin green peel from each bean. Set the beans aside.

Step 2

Add the broth to a pot over low heat. Cover with a lid until you're ready to use it, and keep it on low heat. 

Step 3

Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil over low heat in a large pan. Add the onions and cook for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Then add in the garlic and cook for 1 minute more, stirring to prevent burning.

Step 4

Add the rice to the pan, stir to mix it with the oil, onions and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Then add 1 cup of the simmering broth and bring the rice to a gentle simmer, stirring frequently while allowing the liquid to fully absorb. I use a 1-cup measuring cup to transfer the broth to the rice. Wear an oven mitt if necessary to protect your hand. This step will be repeated until the risotto thickens and becomes al dente. Once the liquid absorbs, add in the next cup, bring to a simmer, allow the liquid to absorb, and then add the next cup. I like risotto pretty creamy but still al dente, so I use all 4 cups. But you may use fewer.

Step 5

Once the risotto is ready, add to a plate. In a small pot, steam or boil the fava beans for about 5 mins or when tender. Add them to risotto.

Step 6

In a small saucepan, heat the remaining 2 tbsp oil. Add the last garlic clove, and toast it for 1 minute. Add the lemon peel/juice and red chili, and stir for 1 min. Add the cayenne, and take the pan off the heat. Stir in the oregano, mix and pour on the risotto. Serve immediately.

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