Grape and Wine Popsicles


Summer is the season of frozen treats and the season of drinks by the pool. So why not combine grapes, lime, sea salt and pinot noir in a popsicle? Exactly. 

I came up with this recipe one day when I wanted to put wine in popsicles. Or was it that I wanted to enhance the grapes with the taste of their fermented counterpart? Either way, the combination of seasonal red grapes, lime, sea salt and red wine is divine. The sweet grapes, slightly acidic lime, salty touch and earthy wine just make this a truly well-balanced popsicle—or well-balanced meal!

There isn’t too much wine, of course, in each popsicle, though I try not to have one before, say, practicing yoga. Grapes start hitting the greenmarket and farm stands in August, and I often see more seeded and seedless varieties than I can count. For this recipe, any red grape will do, and any wine grape will do, too: I’ve tested them with a light Pinot Noir and with a Cabernet with more tannins. Both wonderful!

I use a juicer to juice the grapes and lime, though it’s also fine to blend them in a blender and run them through a nut milk bag or fine sieve to yield the juice. However you wish to get juice for the pops. Then you add the salt and wine to the juice, mix thoroughly with a spoon and freeze the mixture for 4 hours or overnight in popsicle molds. Easy as can be! If you like juice-based popsicles, check out my Green Juice Popsicles, as well!

The necessary tools for this recipe are a juicer or blender and pop mold. Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it! Or tag me on Instagram if you post it!

Grape and Wine Popsicles

Summer is the season of frozen treats and the season of drinks by the pool. So why not combine grapes, lime, sea salt and pinot noir in a popsicle? Exactly.

8 popsicles
Prep Time:

4.5 hours

Cook Time:

Total time:

4.5 hours


  • ​​1 bag of organic grapes (roughly 2 lbs)
  • ​​1/2 lime, rind removed
  • ​​1/4 tsp salt
  • ​​2 tbsp red wine (I used Pinot Noir)


Step 1

Run the grapes and lime through your juicer. Alternatively you could blend them and run them through a nut milk bag to yield juice.


Step 2

Add salt and wine to the grape/lime juice. Use a spoon to mix thoroughly to incorporate fully. ​Pour the liquid mixture into the moulds until not quite full. Place the cover onto the moulds, insert the popsicle sticks and freeze for 4 hours or overnight. ​To remove the popsicles, run them under hot water for 15-30 seconds and gently pull on the sticks.

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