Garlicky Broccolini with a Creamy Lime Sauce


Broccolini is really a gift: It’s sweeter and more delicate than traditional broccoli, and its gorgeous stem is far more visually-appealing. Plus its stem is not super woody or difficult to trim. Give it a quick blanch and a quick sauté, and you’re ready for sweet and tender moments with sweet and tender broccolini. 

I sauté the broccolini with a good hit of garlic, smoked red chili flakes and anchovies for a garlicky, spicy and umami flavor. I pair it with a creamy sauce that’s spicy in its own right, though the jalapeño is optional—as is any ingredient. I mix coconut yogurt, 1 large jalapeño, lime zest, lime juice, cilantro, garlic, cashews and apple cider vinegar for a zesty, creamy sauce  that cuts the strong flavors of the broccolini. 

The necessary tools for this recipe are a blender to make the sauce; a large pot and bowl of ice for blanching the broccolini; and a pan for sautéing it. The sauce will keep for up to 5 days. The broccolini is best enjoyed the day it’s made, though it will also keep for up to 3 days. Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it!

Garlicky Broccolini with a Creamy Lime Sauce

Garlicky sautéed broccolini and a spicy, creamy sauce to bring it all together.

Prep Time:

15 minutes

Cook Time:

10 minutes

Total time:

25 minutes


  • 1 cup coconut yogurt 
  • 1 large jalapeño, stemmed  (seeds removed for less spicy, omitted altogether if preferred)
  • 2 tsp lime zest
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 1/2 cup cilantro 
  • 3 garlic cloves, sliced thin and divided
  • 1 cup raw, unsalted cashews, soaked overnight or boiled in water for 15 minutes
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar 
  • 2 tbsp + 1 tsp salt, divided
  • 1 large bunch broccolini (about 1/2 pound)
  • 2 tbsp avocado oil 
  • 2 anchovies, chopped roughly 
  • 2 tsp smoked chili flakes, plus more for topping
  • 1 tbsp lemon zest


Step 1

Add the coconut yogurt, jalapeño, lime zest, lime juice, cilantro, 1 garlic clove, cashews, apple cider vinegar and 1 tsp of salt to a high-speed blender. Blend until creamy. Taste for salt, and set aside.

Step 2

Remove and discard the bottom third of the broccolini stems. If some stems are thick, but them in half lengthwise.

Step 3

In a large pot, bring 4-6 cups of water and the remaining 2 tbsp of salt to a boil. When the water comes to a full boil, add the broccolini, return to a boil, and cook over high heat for 2 minutes, until the stalks are crisp tender. Drain and immediately immerse the broccolini in a large bowl filled with ice water to stop the cooking. Drain in a colander, and set aside.

Step 3

Heat the avocado oil in a sauté pan over low heat. Add the final 2 cloves of sliced garlic, and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until it begins to turn translucent, 1 to 2 minutes. Add the smoked chili flakes and anchovies and cook for 1 minute. The anchovies will start to break down and melt. Add the broccolini, and stir to heat it through. Ensure it’s coated in the sauce. Turn off heat and add the lemon zest. Toss once more to coat. 

Step 4

Add some coconut sauce to a serving plate. Top with the broccolini and some sauce from the pan, if you wish. Taste for salt, and add more smoked chili flakes or lemon zest for topping, if desired. 

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