Lavender-Honey Ice Cream


Oh the soothing flavors of lavender and honey. It’s thought that lavender improves sleep and generally calms the body—and, in turn, blood pressure and heart rate. Honey helps to relieve allergies. So this ice cream has the potential to do quite a lot. Plus it’s dairy- and refined-sugar free, though not vegan. Maple syrup would be an easy swap for the honey to make it vegan.

I learned through this recipe that culinary lavender—the only form that’s safe to eat and free of pesticides—isn’t bright purple, like its prominent dried-flower counterpart. Who knew? I surely didn’t until I opened the bag, but culinary lavender is still quite flavorful, and thus only 1 tsp is needed to confer that soothing flavor and smell. You do strain the flowers from the ice cream, but all of the goodness remains. I sprinkled some over the ice cream for the benefit of photography—but I wouldn’t do so when you make it! 

The cooking tools necessary for this recipe are saucepan, whisk, blender, large bowl with cover (or use aluminum foil to cover) and ice cream maker. I use this ice cream maker. If you wish to freeze the ice cream after you make it, then an airtight, freezer-safe container is also necessary.

Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you make it!

Lavender-Honey Ice Cream

So creamy, so dairy-free, such soothing flavors. The perfect ice cream in any season.

4 Cups
Prep Time:

10 Hours

Cook Time:

10 Minutes

Total time:

10 Hours 10 Minutes


  • 2 cans coconut cream, chilled overnight. Shake the cans before opening to integrate the cream and the liquid. Use all of both cans
  • 1 can coconut milk (sub almond milk for an even creamier texture) 
  • 1/3 cup honey (or maple syrup for vegan)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp dried, culinary-grade lavender


Step 1

Place the bowl of your ice cream maker in the freezer the day before making the ice cream.

Step 2

Place a medium saucepan over low-medium heat, and add coconut cream, coconut milk and honey. Stir to mix, and keep stirring to ensure the honey dissolves. Cook only until bubbles form. Watch not to let it boil. 

Step 3

After bubbles form, take the saucepan off the heat. Stir to mix once again. Carefully transfer mixture to a high-speed blender, and add the vanilla extract and lavender to the blender, as well. Blend for only 30 seconds to mix.

Step 4

Run mixture through a fine sieve with a bowl below to remove solid lavender flowers. Put final mixture in a bowl with a cover and chill in the fridge for 4 hours. This step preps the ice cream for churning.

Step 5

After 4 hours, add the mixture to your ice cream maker and churn according to your manufacturer’s instructions. I like mine to be more creamy than icy, and thus I churned it for roughly 25 minutes. Either eat straight away or freeze for a firmer texture. Make sure to freeze in an airtight, freezer-safe container with a piece of plastic wrap between the ice cream and the lid of the container. The plastic wrap helps prevent freezer burn.

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