Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Roasted Rhubarb Topping


This vegan chocolate ice cream has a deep chocolate flavor and rich creaminess. The rhubarb and its syrup add some tartness and texture. Just a lovely dessert that was enthusiastically deemed “the best ice cream I’d made.” I kind of agree. It strikes quite the balance of flavors: sweet, rich, tart. This recipe uses almond milk, which yields a creamier ice cream than does coconut milk. 

Plus, rhubarb has such fleeting seasonality, so if you see it, you want a handy recipe for using it. This rhubarb topping can be adapted to so many different desserts. Put it on toast! Or just eat it by the spoonful, with or without ice cream. 

The cooking tools necessary for this recipe are a saucepan, whisk, large bowl with cover (or use aluminum foil to cover) and ice cream maker. I use this ice cream maker. If you wish to freeze the ice cream after you make it, then an airtight, freezer-safe container is also necessary.

Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you make it! Or tag me on Instagram if you post it! Also check out another seasonal ice cream recipe on the blog, my lemon-lilac ice cream!

Dark Chocolate Ice Cream with Roasted Rhubarb Topping

Deep chocolate flavor meets sweet and tart seasonal rhubarb!

4 cups ice cream + 2 servings rhubarb topping
Prep Time:

12 Hours

Cook Time:

10 Minutes

Total time:

12 Hours 10


  • 2 cans coconut cream, chilled overnight 
  • 16oz almond milk 
  • 2/3 cup maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 6oz vegan dark chocolate
  • 2/3 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 stalks forced rhubarb
  • Juice of 1 orange


Step 1

Place the bowl of your ice cream maker in the freezer the day before making the ice cream.

Step 2

Preheat the oven to 375F for roasting the rhubarb.

Step 3

Before opening the coconut cream, shake the cans to incorporate, and use everything in the cans. Add all ingredients through vanilla extract to a saucepan and whisk intermittently as it heats up. Bring just to an initial bowl. Immediately take off heat and whisk once more. Add mixture to a bowl (ideally one that allows for easy pouring into your ice cream maker) and chill for 4-5 hours (5 yields a creamier result than 4.) 

Step 4

After 4-5 hours, churn according to manufacturer’s instructions. I like mine to be more creamy than icy, and thus I churned it for roughly 25 minutes. Either eat straight away or freeze for a firmer texture. Make sure to freeze in an airtight, freezer-safe container with a piece of plastic wrap between the ice cream and the lid of the container. The plastic wrap helps prevent freezer burn.

Step 5

As the ice cream churns, prepare the rhubarb. Slice into roughly 2” pieces and add to a roasting pan, keeping the rhubarb pieces in 1 layer. Pour the juice into the pan, and roast for 15 minutes. Rhubarb should be soft but still holding its shape. There will also be a beautiful pink syrup.

Step 6

Scoop the ice cream in bowls and top with rhubarb and its syrup.

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