Easy Pea and Avocado Dip


This easy pea and avocado dip is delicious, thanks to a flavor kick from the cumin. This dip has both lemon zest and juice, and I adore the combination of cumin and lemon. Cumin has a hint of citrus itself, and its earthiness adds instant depth to any dish. I was testing this dip and knew it was missing something. The lemon zest and juice needed a complementary flavor, and cumin was it.

Delicious, delicious, delicious. 

And peas and avocados are, well, peas in a pod, too. It’s creamy on creamy—especially with a little oil to add even more creaminess. The mint adds sweetness, as well.

I had some tortillas in my freezer and pulled them out to have with this dip. It was fantastic! Pretty much like guacamole. You could spread this dip on toast, on pasta or on any protein: fish, chicken, tofu, anything.

If you prefer a different springtime legume, like fava beans or snap peas, you could certainly swap out the peas! And if you want to omit the avocado, perhaps double the olive oil and add another ingredient to thicken it a bit: onion, shallot, kale or spinach. 

The necessary tool for this recipe is simply a blender. Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it! Or tag me on Instagram if you post it!

Easy Pea and Avocado Dip

A creamy pea and avocado dip with cumin for a little kick!

3 cups
Prep Time:

10 minutes

Cook Time:

Total time:

10 minutes


  • 10oz green peas, cooked 
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 avocado, peeled and pitted
  • 1.5 tsp lemon zest
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice 
  • 1/3 cup mint leaves, packed 
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil


Step 1

Add all ingredients through cumin powder to a high-speed blender. Mix until mostly combined. Slowly stream in the olive oil, and mix until creamy. 

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