Blueberry-Ginger Bliss Balls


A little sweet, a little tart, a little kick from the ginger, all in the prettiest little bliss balls. These blueberry-ginger bliss balls are delicious, and blueberries are inherently a perfect fruit for bliss balls since they have a natural tartness. Because no one likes biting into a saccharine-sweet dessert. And the ginger adds that little kick that complements the blueberries quite well.

The addition of ginger was a very happy accident. My first test batch didn’t include ginger, and they were still super good, thanks to blueberries’ sweet-tart flavor. When I tested that first batch, I was also drinking a green juice that I’d made with ginger. I had a bite of a ball and a sip of juice, and the ginger flavor hit me. It paired so beautifully with the blueberry flavor in that bite, so I had to retest it with a little ginger powder—and that was the winning test! I love how flavor pairings sometimes come to mind spontaneously.

I use a coconut base for these balls, since I find coconut butter and coconut flour to have pretty neutral flavors. If you prefer almond to coconut, almond flour and butter could work, though I haven’t tested them. I use dates and honey to sweeten the balls—the latter serves more to bind the balls than to sweeten them. Honey really is the best binding ingredient, though to keep the balls vegan, you could add extra dates (though, again, I haven’t tested that approach). And I use frozen blueberries, though raw, unfrozen berries would certainly work. I used small wild blueberries. If yours are large, use 1.5-2x more.

I keep the quantity of ginger powder relatively low at 1/2 tsp so that it wouldn’t be overpowering. Though certainly if you like even more of a kick, then double the quantity! 

I make the dough in a food processor. When you’ve processed all of the ingredients, the dough may feel a touch crumbly—but I promise it will form balls. I then refrigerate the balls for 2 hours to allow them to set. That step gives them the perfect soft-dough texture! And if you love bliss balls, try my Raspberry-Coconut Bliss Balls, too!

The necessary tools for this recipe are a food processor and a sheet pan on which to refrigerate the balls. Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it! Or tag me on Instagram if you post it!

Blueberry-Ginger Bliss Balls

A little sweet, a little tart, a little kick from the ginger. These blueberry-ginger bliss balls are all you need in a snack!

15-20 balls, depending on size
Prep Time:

2 hours, 5 minutes

Cook Time:

Total time:

2 hours, 5 minutes


  • 1 cup blueberries, frozen or unfrozen (I used small wild blueberries. If yours are large, use 1.5-2x more) 
  • 1 cup coconut flour
  • 1 cup coconut butter
  • 1/2 tsp ginger powder 
  • 1 cup softened and pitted dates 
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1/8 tsp salt


Step 1

Add all ingredients to a food processor. Process on high until all ingredients are mixed thoroughly. The dough will be a touch crumbly, but you will be able to form balls. Scoop out roughly 1tbsp at a time and roll mixture in your hands to form a ball. If the balls aren’t coming together, add a bit more honey to help them “stick.” Spread raspberry powder on a plate. Dip each ball in raspberry powder to coat. 

Step 2

Once you’ve made all the balls, put them in the fridge for 2 hours to set. Then store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. 

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