Spicy Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette


It’s still unduly cold here in the Northeast, even though we’ve rounded the corner into April. And I can’t help but feel impatient for warm breezes, long afternoons and festive evenings outside by the grill. We’re going to have to wait for those, so I decided to pull out my grill pan today and make a festive vinaigrette—inside.

This vinaigrette is citrusy and spicy with a hit of umami you only get from the grill. My kind of vinaigrette. Grilled lemons generally are wonderful tools for finishing a dish: Squeeze that caramelized flavor over salads, meats, fish or anything else. Or slice and add them to a cocktail. Endless options—but this vinaigrette is a perfect place to start.

The necessary tools for this recipe are a grill/grill pan, a whisk (my favorite!) and a bowl in which to mix the dressing. Leave a comment below if you try it, and enjoy!

Spicy Grilled Lemon Vinaigrette

Citrusy and spicy with a hit of umami you only get from the grill—all in a vinaigrette.

4 oz
Prep Time:

10 minutes

Cook Time:

Total time:

10 minutes


  • 1 lemon, halved
  • 3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1.5 tbsp honey (or maple syrup for vegan)
  • 1-1.5 tsp cayenne
  • 1/2 tsp salt


Step 1

Heat a grill or grill pan over high heat. Once hot, add both lemon halves, cut sides down. Grill for 1-2 minutes, depending on your grill. Once grill marks appear, remove from the grill, and set aside to let cool.

Step 2

Once the lemon is cool enough to touch, squeeze the juice into a bowl. Add the oil, honey, cayenne powder (1 or 1.5 tsp to your liking) and salt. Whisk until smooth. Taste for spice and salt.

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