Perfectly-Thick Balsamic Dressing


The perfectly-thick balsamic dressing you love at restaurants! I can’t be the only one who asks for extra balsamic at lunch, right? This dressing is totally reminiscent of those large salads you get at lunch places. They serve a ramekin of thick balsamic dressing that’s acidic yet sweet, and you pour all of it on your salad. And then you ask for more. 

But now you can have that at home! The thick texture ensures you can either mix it into your greens or dip each piece of lettuce into it and enjoy the perfect balsamic bite. And what’s the secret? More mustard than oil = thick dressing!

The necessary tool for this recipe is a blender, which helps you achieve that thickness. Feel free to whisk, instead, but be sure to mince that garlic super fine. Leave a comment below if you try it, and enjoy!

Perfectly-Thick Balsamic Dressing

The perfectly-thick balsamic dressing you love at restaurants!

1.5 cups
Prep Time:

5 Minutes

Cook Time:

Total time:

5 Minutes


  • 1/2 cup Dijon mustard 
  • 1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup 
  • 2 tbsp tamari
  • 1 garlic clove, sliced 
  • 1/4 cup olive oil 
  • Salt to taste (but tamari has a good amount, so you may not need any)


Step 1

Add all ingredients mustard through garlic to a high-speed blender, and blend on high. Once incorporated, slowly stream in oil with the motor running on low. Emulsify fully. Once creamy, enjoy!

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