Clementines with Blood Orange Icing


Clementines with blood orange icing! So I thought I was done with winter citrus and ready to move on to new, seasonal spring produce. But these clementines looked so good at the store, and I still had just enough blood oranges on my counter to make this luscious icing. And this snack just couldn’t be easier. Plus everyone will love the bright pink color lavishing cute orange clementines. It’s a win-win snack.

You will want to enjoy them when you make them, when the clementines and icing are fresh. I haven’t tested them overnight, since everyone enjoys them too fast! 

The necessary tool for this recipe is simply a small bowl. Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it!

Clementines with Blood Orange Icing

What to do with that citrus on the counter? Make this 5-minute sweet and citrusy snack!

4 servings of icing
Prep Time:

5 Minutes

Cook Time:

Total time:

5 Minutes


  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 3 tbsp blood orange juice (from about 3-4 blood oranges
  • clementines, at least 6 (but make as many as you like!)


Step 1

Mix 3 tbsp blood orange juice with 2 cups powdered sugar. Mix until you get a thick, pink icing. Pour the icing over clementines, and enjoy! I find gently pouring the icing to be easier than dunking the clementines in the icing, as it can get too drippy! But eat as you like!

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