Green Juice Popsicles


I often choose one main ingredient to highlight in my weekly recipes. I’m focusing on broccoli this week (see my Garlicky Broccolini with a Creamy Lime Sauce, as well). I didn’t want to share recipes with just broccoli on a plate, as delicious as that always is! As with many of my recipes, I wanted to offer something unique, something with flair. And it hit me that I should adapt one of the bestselling juices that I sell as part of my company, Juice and Salt: a juice with broccoli, orange, kiwi, kale and mint. 

Your daily green juice in a bar: make 1 juice and get 6 popsicles to enjoy anytime!

When I held lots of tasting events pre-Covid, this juice always ran out first. And it’s a bestseller of weekly customers, as well. Customers often tell me that it “tastes like ice cream.” So why not adapt it to a popsicle for you! Note: this is not the exact recipe of the juice I sell, but the ingredients are the same.

The combination of orange and kiwi gives these pops a refreshing sweetness. And the mint makes it even more refreshing! The more earthy broccoli and kale absolutely do not overpower the flavor, so it maintains its sweetness. I cut the broccoli stems of each floret quite short, as the stem can add a chalky taste. 

The necessary tools for this recipe are a juicer and a popsicle mould. If you don’t have a juicer, you could absolutely blend the ingredients in a blender and strain the mixture through a nut milk bag or similar to yield juice. Blenders heat produce, so it loses some nutrients—but it certainly gives you juice for popsicles! Enjoy, and leave a comment below if you try it!

Green Juice Popsicles

A bestselling green juice in a bar.

Prep Time:

8 hours, 15 minutes

Cook Time:

Total time:

8 hours, 15 minutes


  • 1.5 cups broccoli florets with short stems
  • 2 large oranges, skins removed
  • 2 kiwi, skins removed
  • 3 lacinato kale leaves, stems are fine to include
  • 1/4 cup mint leaves


Step 1

Add all ingredients to a juicer. It should yield roughly 14-16oz. Small oranges yield less juice, so add 1-2 more oranges if you don’t have enough juice. 

Step 2

Carefully pour the mixture into a popsicle mould. It should be enough for 6 popsicles. Freeze overnight. 

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